Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Beautiful Granola

Oh granola how do I love thee, let me count the ways.  I love you on yogurt, ice cream, as a topping for fruit crisps, in bar form, and straight out of the bag into my salivating mouth!  Lucky for me I almost always have the ingredients around my house to whip up a batch go granolaey goodness.  One of my favorite things about granola is the way you can switch up ingredients and create a whole new flavor.  It's also a great way to use up nuts and grains that have been laying around in your pantry for far too long.  So go ahead make some granola and count the ways you love it!

My recipe was largely obtained from the Pioneer Woman herself, Ree Drummond (I am digging her recipes lately). To access her amazingly delicious granola recipe go HERE

The changes I made were the addition of 1/2c. dried berries, OJ replaced the apple juice, and white sugar replaced brown (because I was out of apple juice and brown sugar!).  In place of wheat germ I used 1/2c almond meal and 1/2c. ground flax seed.  Feel free to mix it up with whatever nuts and grains you like best.  To quote my daughter these bars are "yum, yum, in my tum, tum!!"

 All of my goodies eagerly awaiting the toasted oats and special sweet goo….

The aforementioned goo, a delicious blend of sugar, molasses, honey and vanilla.  Heated on the stove until sugar dissolves 

Toasted oats and it smells so good! 

Finished product, so delightful!

 Drooling yet?
After the bars cool completely in the pan I removed the foil and cut them into bars.

These can easily be broken up further into small chunks for other mass consumption.  I did most of mine in bars and chunked up about a pint.  These also freeze nicely, for later indulgence.
Hope you like them as much as we did! 

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