Saturday, August 18, 2012

Eggplant Parmesan

I try to have a well stocked pantry and fridge, so I can make a handful of go to meals when I'm less than inspired to think of one.  Eggplant parmesan is one of those I can make mostly from what I have stocked (with the exception of the eggplant of course).  

I tend to make mine a little differently from your standard recipe.  I choose not to top the eggplant with cheese or marinara (I like to keep it crispy!) instead leaving that for the baked pasta.  I also like to bake the eggplant after pan frying to ensure the inside is nice and creamy while the outside stays crunchy and delectable. This time around I served it up with some arugula and a squeeze of lemon,  which adds a  nice peppery flavor to cut the richness. I hope you enjoy it as much as my family does.  Cheers!

Eggplant Parmesan

1 lrg or 2 med eggplant
3/4c. flour
2 eggs beaten
2c. panko or breadcrumbs
parmesan (1/2 c. divided)
1/4c. olive oil
1/2 lb spaghetti
1 jar of marinara
1T. brown sugar
6-8 oz mozzarella

For the eggplant:

Heat oven to 400.  Slice the eggplant into 1/2" discs.  Set sliced eggplants on a cooling rack placed on top of a cookie sheet.  Liberally salt each side of the eggplant and allow to sit for 30 min. (this draws out excess moisture).  Meanwhile set up a 3 plates. Add flour to the 1st, eggs to the 2nd, and *panko to the 3rd, add a pinch of salt to all three dishes and 1/4c. parmesan to the panko. Heat up a sauté pan with 1/4c. of olive oil on med-high heat.  Rinse off each eggplant slice and pat dry with paper towels. Coat the eggplant slices in the flour, egg, and panko, in that order.  Place coated eggplant in pan cook for about 3-5 minutes per side, or until golden brown and crisp, work in batches until complete, add more olive oil as needed. Place cooked eggplant on the cooling rack that is still sitting on the cookie sheet and put in oven to bake for 10-15 minutes.

For the pasta:

Heat a large pot of salted water to a boil.  Cook spaghetti until short of al dente (it will cook in the oven too). Meanwhile heat up the marinara, add 1T. of sugar if you'd like (it really amps the flavor).  Combine pasta and marinara in an oven proof dish and top with Mozzarella, put in oven until cheese melts and browns a bit. 

The eggplant and pasta should come out around the same time, top with parmesan and basil, enjoy!!!

*cooking note: I used panko on half and breadcrumbs on half, both were delicious, but Panko was our clear favorite.

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